With the 'circular economyAt the same time, because the remanufacturing process is only the repair and processing of original parts, the cost is 50% of the new product, and it can save 60% of energy and save more than 70% of metal materials. The loss of equipment shutdown and scrap due to wear and corrosion in China's industry every year accounts for about 10% of the annual GDP, and the loss is as high as 100 billion yuan. At the same time, the huge waste of resources will undoubtedly cause unpredictable damage to the ecological environment, and waste machinery and equipment can be described as a 'barren land' in the industrial field. As the 'circular economy' has been widely concerned by the industries of various countries, if the remanufacturing market can be fully developed, it will become another broad market for hair planting machinery, then the 'circular dispute' of the industrial system is about to break out. As a production mode of circular economy, the quality and performance of products produced through remanufacturing can meet or exceed new products. At the same time, because the remanufacturing process is only the repair and processing of original parts, the cost is 50% of the new product, and it can save 60% of energy and save more than 70% of metal materials. In the first half of industrial history, we are more effective in using resources to promote economic development. Now it seems that the 'circular economy' is the 'fourth dimension frontier' that an industrial country must defend. The frontier concept of the tufting machine industry not only includes the three-dimensional physical space composed of new energy, industrial structure, and emerging technologies, but also needs to include a new one-dimensional: regeneration in the future. In the era of industrial transformation of hair planting machines, the importance of remanufacturing high frontiers will become increasingly prominent. This article comes from Foshan Taifenglai Hair Planting Machine Factory: http://www.gd-tfl.com/ The remanufacturing of hair planting machines can greatly reduce the pressure of industrial manufacturing on the environmental carrying capacity. Starting from the development demands of the industry and construction machinery industry, formulate a plan for the development of the planting machine machinery remanufacturing industry. From the path of industrial evolution, it can be found that energy environment, economic environment, policy standards, market demands, and industrial networks together constitute the high-frontier architecture of remanufacturing. The main purpose of establishing this system is to ensure the industrialization and scale of remanufacturing. We need to draft corporate standards for remanufactured products that we produce, file them with provincial standards management units, and pass approval procedures to be upgraded to local standards, industry standards, and even national standards. These 'behaviors' forced me to think more deeply, and gradually realized the influence of 'regeneration' on the upgrading of the existing industrial structure. The formation, exercise and continuation of these benign development models requires a set of system and framework support. This is a new understanding of remanufacturing, and it also provides a reference for the development of the planting machine machinery remanufacturing industry. Now we can see that the number of China's hair planting machine machinery market has reached more than 6 million units. After the'digesting over capacity' and the'industrial structure adjustment', the safety model of China's hair planting machine industry is opening, and China needs to be formed more.' The planning of the'circular mode' and its implementation will be accelerated.