FeedTheGridIt has a green twist as it is a green twist!
This Instructable shows you how to build your own green twist machine, generator!
Maybe we can all build huge Ferris wheel under our house. up-to-speed by green-power (
Could be solar or wind)
Power supply throughout the night during the day!
That\'s what I\'m talking about!
Three principles in the work. A. )
Almost all old motors can be recycled and used as power suppliesgenerator. B. )
Heavy duty flywheel can be stored and supplied-back energy. C. )
If I win an Epilog Zing laser Etcher from inside, the world will be better. com!
Vote for hope with a green twist machine!
Because the flywheelenergy-
Storage and energy-
Generation, can play a big role in our energy-
I believe this is an important guide that can help us demonstrate these technologies to the future.
Builders and repairmen;
Every effort worth putting in.
This is not a quick note! (
I have been in my spare time for a few weeks. )
Moreover, this is not a simple explanation;
But it\'s not very complicated either.
I\'m trying to make a mistake in providing too much information, not enough.
So please forgive me if there are extra notes, photos or descriptions. Standing at 6-feet, 3-
This huge hand is a few inches higher.
Flywheel Power-
Generator and battery
Chargers can also be used to power other devices with similar requirements;
Small radio, lights, certain batteries
Mobile phone and mp3 playerwarmers;
The list continues.
It can be used to create amazing spins
Art and amazing 3-Dimensional-
The photo effect is also very good; simultaneously!
How green that is! ?
Or, think of it as a huge spin.
A table for painting or handling items.
A giant in his thirties has many other uses. six-
Inch rotary table.
Could be a huge record company.
Or rotating lights;
As a grinding wheel; disk sander. . .
Creative welcome!
Most importantly, it is very green.
Friendly, Power Generation Max 5-DC voltage, 190 mA.
And, thanks to the heavy flywheel method, it rotates up to 5-
A few minutes after a few seconds!
It looks like time is running out.
However, while generating a spin, a large amount of electricity can be generated in a short period of time. art.
Moreover, it is easy to rotate;
About five sharp turns and you run away.
Ready to have some fun while generating electricity and creating art!
Sincere, FeedTheGrid! (
Standard size-
Inches, unless otherwise stated. )
Plastic pipe: For crank-handle; aprox. six-inches. (
I redesigned a Dewalt toolbox handle. )
Printable transparent film (1)
10mm LED white (9)Paint (Gold and Green)
Large paper clips (1)
Old telephone line (1)twenty-inches of 12-gauge house-Cheap 5x7-
Inch photo frame, 12 by 40-inchesOne Foam-Rubber squeeze-ball (for the hand-brake)three-quarter-
Inch copper tube (6-feet)three-quarter-
Copper elbow inch (two 45-
Degree and two 90-degree, )three-quarter-inch copper T-joint (1)three-quarter-
Copper cap (1)Shipping-Tape or Duct-
Two large, round, flat things (I used two 36-
I found the inch wood desktop on Craigslist for free).
A few small pieces of wood (
Install small DC motor, build light box and \"Green twist\" frame).
A strong foundation (
I use the bottom of an old kitchenette table in my garage).
An old motor, or a set of bearings, as removed from the old office chair.
I got this motor from the old air
Conditioner for this landfill (Green Friendly). a 3-double-A Battery-
Bracket with switch (1)Diode (1)Resistor (quarter-watt, 100ohm)(1)small magnets (quarter-
Inch, cylindrical)(3)L-Bracket (1)
On the hand-
BrakeSmall gasket for manualbrake L-Bracket (6)
Some wood screws (24)
ToolsCraft knifeUtility knifeWire strippersRubber MalletTin SnipsStapler and staplesHand-
Drill bit with drill bitbits, circle-
Drill and center-drill-bitMiter-
Box and saw metal film needle-
Document driver drafting rules tape measurementMeter (volt-ohm meter)
Sandpaper finds an old table, preferably a table that is thrown away and used as a base.
The base does not have to be round.
Buckle the base upside down on a large, flat piece of wood.
Fixed: eight screws 1-1/4\"-
Wooden screws through the tablebase. Flip this over.
You have a base now. top.
Find the center of the base-top (
One way to do this is to measure several times in different places around the base --
Top and mark the middle points of these distances).
Place the motor on the base and the shaft of the motor is facing uptop. .
Put the shaft of the car in that center position.
Drill several small pilot holes with a small 1/8 \"through a plastic motor Holderdrill bit.
Fix the motor on the basetop with 1-1/4\" wood-
The screws go through these holes on the plastic motor holder.
Find the center at the bottom on another flat circular item (
We call it the top of the spinner or the spinning wheel).
Drill out an area, at the bottom of the spinner, large enough to fit on the shaft (
But not all the way by rotating the top).
Turn this over and put the hole on the shaft.
Make sure it\'s a bit horizontal (
My spinner is slightly distorted at the top, so it has a jitter that I don\'t mind because it creates a more interesting rotation --art).
I have a fan on my motor/bearing.
So, I put the spinner on the shaft and it\'s on the fan blade.
Then I fixed it with a few nuts and bolts.
Very important
The handle is designed to lift freely from rotationtable-
For security reasons.
Cut a plastic pipe about 6 inch long.
This is your spinner. handle.
Press and hold the spinner-
Handle about 4 to 6 inch from the center at the top of the spinner;
Track this point.
Use the circle-
Drill bit for about a quarter
The inch depth of this tracking area so that the handle can be placed in it.
This is the key hole.
I use an electric hand. tool (
Dremel rotating tool)
Take out the internal router of this circular hole to make it fit.
Once the handle is loosely inserted into the key hole, test it by giving your wheel a small spin;
Start slowly and make sure nothing is going to separate you.
This table does not need too much speed to become an effective power.
A generator for a few minutes;
Then give it a few cranks every few minutes. (
Put another key hole further so you can still rotate the table with a posterboard on it.
Place a rear plate on the rotation
On the table, mark your second key hole point outside the long edge of the poster board. )
I cut one end of the handle I re-used from Dewalt powertool-
Boxes recycled from garbage (Green-Friendly).
I use this tube as a spinner. handle.
Paint the handle gold.
The gold handle was grandly created by drawing a plastic spinner --
Treated with Florence gold leaf paint;
Then spray the seal with varnish-in the gold.
Gold paint may wipe off as the handle continues to be used.
So spray it with a few layers of varnish to protect its goldness.
Three small magnets here.
One in the handle, one in each key hole on the spinnertop.
Sometimes when the spinner slows down at the top, you want to get it back to speed without having to stop it completely first.
This magnet is here. in-the-
The handle came in handy.
You can actually get the spin handle close to the spin handle --
Key Hole, magnet helps you to do the right docking with the spinnertop.
Place a small magnet in the middle of one of the key holes;
Set a matching magnet on the magnet;
This creates a hole in the putty, which is where you later glue a magnet into place.
You can use the amazing mold putty, which is great because you mix the two parts together and press it down at the top of the magnet in a key ring.
Then insert the spinner-
The handle reaches into the key hole, thus squeezing the putty into the handle.
This also cuts off any extra putty on either side of the key hole.
Let this drive play Harden for about 10 minutes.
After that, it basically became silicone rubber.
Stick this piece to the handle and stick the magnet in place.
Before you glue the magnet in place, make sure that the position of the magnet can attract each other.
Otherwise, the handle will be rejected, which makes it more difficult to dock with the key hole.
Once you start to spin, pick up some markers and brushes with Flash
Paint and some interesting spins
Painting on the upper surface;
Unexpectedly venting, very cool.
Now it\'s getting exciting!
When the green twist is spinning, a quick tap of the black marker pen, you are hooked.
It\'s hard to stop!
Use small flat paint
Apply flash with brush.
If you apply it directly from the flash glue pipe to the wheel, there will be too much in the globs.
Decorate your spinner with large, fat, waterproof poster markerstop;
To create a rotation
The art of poster boards, canvas, wood, etc. . .
In addition, flash glue is used;
Usually found in local pharmacies; art-supplies isle.
Use a little earthquake holding device under the corner to prevent the artwork from sliding down the table while spinning.
It\'s a great earthquake. too-
Adhesive temporary adhesive;
It\'s kind of sticky.
The sticky things they use in magazinesinserts.
You can try the pins, but they turn into speed.
Your Mark bumps when the spinner
The top is in motion. Mount a hand-
Brake deceleration, stop, spinner-top. Use old foam-
Rubber extrusion ball;
This one is blue. paint it black;
Black looks better.
Cut a piece from the side of the ball, so its form is-
Suitable for the side of the spinner.
Then, cut or tear a small hole to fit the mounting rod.
For mounting rods, find or form something with a right angle (
I used the old rack)
, Cut off one side, drill holes on it, and install it with screws and some washers.
Paint the mounting bar gold with some gold leaves.
The box frame on the back of the Green twist machine will hold the copper light pole in place and provide a compartment for the rechargeable battery. Mount a 3-inch-wide, 22-inch-
Long board on the table-
The base behind the old fan-
3 Wood motor-screws.
Install another identical-
Size or larger wood in the same position at the bottom-
3 more wood on top
Screws below
Twist some wood edges on the box.
Just a few wood.
Screws secure the side of the boxbottom.
Place the top on the side of the box and screw it down firmly.
At first I was going to use the wires in the old air
Air-conditioned motor to generate electricity.
But in order to get enough power, the top needs to be rotated at a dangerous high speed.
In any case, I may not be able to rotate it quickly with my hands.
Outer edge of the spinner-
The top travels at the highest speed compared to the interior, so the small motor should be placed directly below this outer edge.
So, install a small DC motor from the radio shed with three-quarter-
Copper tube holder and two wooden screws in inch.
Make sure the DC motor is far enough from the rotating motor-
The top does not hit the main body of the motor.
Also, use some small pieces of wood to fill
Start the motor at an angle, so the spinner-
Contact motor only at the top-
But not the main body of the motor.
When the high speed large rotating wheel turns the small wheel on the DC motor, you will get very useful power; up to 5-190 mA v dc; and very green-friendly.
The DC motor from Shack is a 9-to-eighteen-VDC motor;
Rated speed is 18,000 RPM; 1. 98A max.
Put a small rubber wheel on the motor spindle.
I don\'t know where to buy these.
Maybe someone can recommend a good place.
I have an old rubber.
I have lined wheels in my bin.
I believe it was uploaded from the old VCR.
Rotate the motor/generator several laps by hand and connect the two connecting terminals to the KV meter at the same time;
This will show you which direction is generating a positive current.
Then mark the positive and negative terminals of the motor and place arrows in the positive flow direction of the motor. Get a 7/8-inch spade-
Bit, this is the right size for the right 3/4-inch-
Pipe gap and drill a hole in the box behind the DC motor.
This will be used for copper pipes. Using a 90-degree-
Corner, make sure the copper tube is square, then track its bottom first before drilling through the bottom of the box.
Drill through the top and bottom of the box, but not through the wood installed under the basetop.
Only drill to the bottom in a quarter or soinch.
Copper pipes rest here.
The next step.
Next, you need a pipe that lets the wires extend up at the top of the rotation to illuminate your workspace.
You can use another pipe.
Like plastic or steel.
But copper is a very cool material.
Soft, soft.
Looks great.
You need 5 pieces on these lengths: 28-inches, 12-inches, 11-inches, 5-inches, and 5-inches.
This is what you need to use copper elbows and t-
Joints connecting different sections of copper tubes.
The tallest 28-
Inch blocks go first, then 45-
Elbow, then 12-
A piece of inches, another 45-
Elbow, then 11-
One inch, then a t. joint, the 5-
Inch blocks point up to t-joint (
This is for the logo-sign). Then two 90-
Elbow straight out from front of T-joint;
The last 5-
The last 90-inch tube. degree elbow;
This LED light box(
This may sound confusing, but it\'s clear once you start putting these things together. )
A diode is required, which allows the current to flow only in one direction, preventing the current from flowing backwards, preventing the rechargeable battery from wasting energy by turning the generator into a motor.
If there is no diode, any energy stored in the battery will try to flow backwards to the generator instead of moving forward to power the LED light.
The battery charger contains diodes.
I have an old battery.
Charger that stopped working on 2006.
But instead of throwing it away, I put it in my raw box because I know it contains ingredients that can be recycled. (My Raw-Materials-Bin?
Basically, a plastic warehouse
I put it in the bin in the garage full of useful items otherwise they will be thrown into the trash canLandfill/Landfill)
I recycle a lot of parts from this old battery charger: some diodes, resistors, capacitors, LED. Free parts!
I need some light.
Because there is a good copper wire inside, I saved an old phone
There is a wire with a bad plug on it. Dumpster-
Dive, recycle, relocate! Yep! Green-friendly!
You can also use bad old phone lines for this step;
Usually it\'s just one of the connectors-
End of stop work;
Use the internal wires in other projects, such as the Green twist machine!
Use a tool knife to peel off the outside of the phone-
About 3 or 4-
A few inches down to reveal the four smaller wires inside.
The wire alone is too light-
Meters, so double on these;
Put green and black together, put yellow and red together;
Treat each pair as a line.
Also, if you need a jumper
Wire for welding or tape some other circuit, completely from 3-
Feet or 1 m and use the wire inside as a jumper-wires. Use a drill-
Bit larger than the width of the phone-wire;
About a quarter. inch. Use a center-drill-
The position of the start hole.
Drill through a wall of a copper tube, about inches above the box, behind the generator --motor;
Dig another hole in the pipe so you can pull the wire from the motor into the box. Use a metal-
Documents and needles-
Clear any sharp edges from the holes.
Sharp Edge can cut off your wire.
Run around 12A few inches of phone.
Wire from DC-
Motor position of battery-
The bracket area in the box.
Then, run a separate phone.
Wire in the box
Area, all the way to the top of the pipe, where LED-light-bar will be;
At least 12-
Additional wires in inches at both ends;
About six-
The wire is several feet long.
Remove the battery from the battery-
Holder before making any of the following modifications. Add input-
Three double wires. A-battery-
There is also a holderoff switch. (Battery-
Holders can be paid $1 online.
Space in Bart. )
For the wires, remember that you can use the old telephone line.
Find the switch on the battery-holder;
Then drill the eighth one.
There\'s an inch hole in the opposite corner.
Insert two new lines into this hole.
Now weld the red or hot wire to the positive pole farthest from the switch;
Make sure you weld it so that the battery can still be put into the stand.
Then, weld the negative pole to the negative pole closest to the switch (
Maybe right next to the switch). This battery-
The bracket will be inserted into the circuit between the diode and 100-ohm resistor.
So, weld the diode to this new hot wire.
The stripes at the end of the diode indicate the flow direction allowed by the diode.
So, this is the end of welding the new hot wire of the battery --holder.
The other end of the diode will receive current from the generator, DC motor.
The diode will prevent the current from returning from the battery to the DC motor.
Switch allows power off-
All the lights are off.
Welding for a quarterwatt 100-
Ohm resistance of battery hot wire-
Bracket after switch;
This is the positive line, including the front
Connect to battery-
Bracket, not the wire you just added.
This resistor will help to limit the current of the LED light.
This is where laser etcher is very useful in precise cutting, shaping and shaping of light --
Prototype of the box and other cool things.
There are many ways to build a box. I used eighth-inch-
Some thick pieces of wood, some wooden corners
Make this LED lamp with decoration, screws and some copper pieces
Box above the spinner-top.
You can use the puzzle or you can do it by hand
Knife, cut off your piece of wood; I used a craft-
Because I don\'t want to in one o\'clock A. M. wake up neighbor
Hey, with your stuff, right?
Drill seven small holes in two different 8inch-
Thick wood, large enough to hold the LED.
Place the LED hole in 1-sixteenth-inch apart.
Put seven LED into these seven holes.
Fix the seven LEDs between the two boards with a large paper clip.
The LED is installed through the holes on the bottom plate;
But the boards above hold them in place.
Longer connection with some bare copper wire and solder (positive)LED-leads together;
And another bare copper wire and welding to connect all the short (negative)LED-leads together.
Use a small piece of transparent plastic to separate the poitive lead from the negative.
I got mine from a small window on a box of screws.
Remove the transparent plastic from the screwbox.
It should come out easily and then cut a large enough strap from the inside to keep the LED on the front-
Lead to contact negative LED-leads.
Place transparent plastic between positive contact and negative contactleads.
This will isolate them from each other.
Cut out a slot from the bottom of the lamp-
Box that allows LED to shine.
Wrap it up with some cool copper.
Place each individual box
Pieces of copper; Then, use tin-
Cut a piece of copper, about an inch larger than the one to cover.
This provides enough material to twist around each piece.
Assembly lights-
Box to determine where the screws are-
Holes and lights-
Slot will be placed;
Then remove the machine and add copper. Use a three-quarter-inch pipe-
Clip fixed 4-
Inch copper tube on top of LED-light box. Use a 90-
Copper elbow-
4-end joint
Inch copper tube;
This will connect to the copper tube above the spinner-top. Use a 3/4-
An inch copper cap at the other end, which contains a toggle-switch.
Drill a hole in 3/4.
Inch copper cap and mount the toggle switch into the copper tube-
Lid above LED-light box.
Connect the small toggle switch so you can turn the LED lights on and off; see schematic. (
The LED is Malone P.
Jones, the toggle switch is made by Radio Shack).
Drill once a quarter
Into the 4-inch hole-
Copper tube in inches, and top of the lamp-
Box for connecting lines.
Re-use some old telephone lines as circuit wiring.
Weld the wires in place (
See circuit diagram)
And properly insulated with tape.
The logo of the Green twist machine has a finishing touch on your project.
Icing on the cake. We like cake.
Take apart the cheap 5x7-
Inch photo frame and save glass and cardboard.
Empty the frame with cutting tools. (I had paid 99-
A few years ago, cents for the framework.
I am glad it can be used further. )
Use the computer graphics program to design the logo for your green twist machine.
Then, print twice on the printable transparent film. (
When you use both, then double them, the colors are brighter and the black is darker. )
Cut them down to match the frame. Double them up.
Then, tie them to a piece of glass that comes out of the frame.
Mark an area of the cardboard backing that comes with the frame, which is slightly larger than the size of the logo. Using a craft-
Knife, cut the marked area from the cardboard backing.
Cushion the back in front of the logo to make sure you\'re happy with it.
Backing and transparency --
Glass in the photoframe.
Measure the exterior of the frame, cut some small pieces of wood and start building wooden frames around the frame. Use a miter-
90-box and saw to clean
Degree angle cutting.
Using woodworking staples-
A gun that holds wood pieces together;
Only behind.
I put at least three staples in each joint. Use a center-
Drill some screw holes and fix the wood frame on the photoframe;
3 or 4 at the bottom of the wooden frame, 3 or 4 at the top;
2 or 3 on each side(
This will also provide a counter-
Holes, so screws-
The head will sit under the wood. )
Arrange these holes with eyes;
They don\'t need to be placed perfectly.
Small pilot drillholes;
Deep enough to penetrate the outer surface of the photoframe.
Fix the screw on the wooden frame on the photoframe. Use tin-
Cut off some copper
Start covering the logo-sign-
Folding frame of copper-
Cover around the edge of the frame.
Be careful not to overwrite the actual logo. ; -)
With a small piece of plastic coat-
Hang to the smooth
On the edge of the copper sheet.
Fold with drawing ruler-
Under a small piece of each sharp edge (
Could be an inch)
And then flatten it.
This eliminates sharp edges;
It can help create straight lines.
Use a DingTalk gun to put some DingTalk through copper into the back of the frame.
Finally, place some clear shipping
Tape all copper edges on the back of the logo-sign.
Drill two small holes through the bottom front of the logo-
Signs, copper tubes-
Clip a few nuts-and-
Bolts for fixing the logo-
Copper sign-
Pipe above the spinner-top.
Stare at the prize! : -)
A finishing laser etching machine!
Are you kidding? No way! Wow! Oh, sweet! Use about ten-inches of 12-gauge house-
Each of the two flexible arms on these two backlights has a wire with a green twist sign.
Weld the connecting wire to the LED terminal.
Tape them with tape to prevent them from touching.
Then, tape 12-
Wire the house to the two terminals connected with tape.
Wrap the connecting wire around the heavy wire.
Also, bend the heavy wire into U shapeshape.
The thick line allows you to bend the LED and point to a specific direction and a specific target.
Plug about an inch of heavy wire into the pipe bracket gap on the back of the logo-sign.
About a quarter.
Thick wire inches under the pipe bracket;
Tighten with pliers to keep it close around the pipe bracket.
Point the LED to the reflector so that the light passes through the transparency.
Repeat these steps for another backlight LED on the other side of the pipe holder.
Stick a piece of aluminum foil to the back of the logo as a reflector for the LED. (
The white paper is shown here.
Don\'t use paper.
Use aluminum foil; it is safer. )
Redesign some old phones
Connect the wire to the circuit and the LED light. (See schematic. )
I installed copper.
In the old air
LED air conditioning motorlight-box, and logo-
Logo, painted the circular platform green and made some crazy spins
Art on the spinnerwheel.
Besides, you can draw hands
Some gold foil brake mounting rods.
Contact Person: Leo
Email: Mxdx@Mxbrushmachinery.Com
Tel: +86 13232438671
Skype/Facebook: +86 13232438671
Fax: 0750-6575221
Address: Heqiaolingwu Road, Sanyi Industrial Estate, Siqian Town, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China (Pc:529159)Pe 2019
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