There are two ways to wash sports shoes, one way is to wash them in washing laundry, the othe way is to wash them by hand. Let us look at the first way. Untie your sport shoes, and remove the shoelaces from the shoes. Also, remove any inserts you have in the athletic shoes. If you are washing more than one pair of shoes, separate the dark ones from the white ones to avoid dye runoff. Add shoes and detergent to the laundry machine as if you were doing a regular load of wash. Wash the shoelaces with the appropriate color shoes so that no dye runoff ruins white shoelaces. If you are washing multiple pairs of shoes, make sure you do not overload the washer; the shoes will need room to move around during the washing cycle.
There are two options for the cleaning of your athletic shoes: washing machine and hand washing. Some sneakers will hold up just fine if you run them through the gentle cycle of the washing machine. This is also the much more convenient shoe cleaning method. When every thing is in control, then run the machine on a gentle cycle. When the cycle finishes, allow the shoes to air dry in a warm area. And direct sunlight may speed up the drying process. To dry them in sunlight is the best way. Some one may think of the drying machinery, it just be used in wet days for me. sunlight is natural and energy-saving and environmental friendly.
If you'd rather guarantee the longevity of your shoes with hand washing, take a soft brush and a cleaning solution of dish detergent diluted with water. Scrub the insides and outsides of the shoes completely. If there are scuff marks remaining, try using a white nylon-backed scrub pad. When you're satisfied, rinse the sneakers thoroughly with water. There are also some steps to wash them by hand. First of all, remove shoelaces and inserts from the sports shoes. Wash shoelaces with your next load of appropriately colored laundry, and allow inserts to air out in a dry area.
Mix dish detergent and water into a small bowl until it forms suds. Soak the bristles of a soft scrub brush in the solution, and scrub at the inside and outside of the shoes. Scrub until you remove all dirt, mud and other buildup. Then dry your athletic shoes with plain white cloth or paper towels. Allow shoes to air dry completely in a dry, warm area before returning to use. The last advice is that never put shoes in the dryer, as this can potentially melt the shoes or cause them to lose their shape.
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