Hey instrucabrarians, today is July 27 and you know what that means!
Probably not because I just made it up. It\'s Pixar animation fan week!
Ladies and gentlemen, if you have seen my DIY Pixar booth at Faire Maker Faire in San Mateo, you will know that I am a big fan of Pixar.
I loved their movie so much and grew up watching their first movie, Toy Story, havesince was fascinated by every single one of their films.
This week, in honor of their latest exhibition at the 25-year animation show at the Oakland Museum of Art, I am delighted to present my favorite Pixar building!
The first one this week is M-
O microbial remover.
You may remember him in Pixar\'s Oscar-winning film The Great Wall.
He is a small cleaning robot whose sole purpose is to protect the axiom from the contamination of foreign pollutants.
Now, we see a lot of great cleaning bots on this site, and I think I might have some obsessive-compulsive disorder with me (
Forced instruction)
Brothers share my love for cleanlinessWALL-
E is one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite movies
O is probably my favorite Pixar character all the time.
That\'s why he was the first of my Pixar related instructions this week!
OK, there may be a simpler way to build this bot, but I really want to be in my M-
O as in the movie (
Electric pulley ball, telescopic arm, rotating frosted brush, etc).
Finally, I did a lot of work for various e-shops, flea markets and craft shops to get all the parts I needed for my robot. Materials:1)Clean N Go M-O toy (
I remember buying it in the toy fight city.
Not sure if they\'re still on sale, but you can definitely get it on eBay)2)
Computer mouse ball (s)3)Wooden Dowels (
About 1/2 in diameter)4)Black Felt (
Or, see step 6 unless you want to create something with a brush)5)
Thin plastic sheets (
Like a pastry container from empty)6)
Small brass DingTalk s7)
Thin black line tubing8)
Those small plastic quarter machine capsules you can find in the supermarket
Transparent plastic pipe (
I bought mine at Tap plastic)10)
Small rubber band (
Tips you can also use water balloons)11)
Large plastic drinking gear and a straight paper clip
Computer fan motor (
The need is really small, like the diameter is close to 1/2 \')2)
Small DC hobby motor (
As found in some RC vehicles)2)
Thin insulated wire1.
5 voltwatch batteries (
Like the pain of LED)4)
Small switch: 1)Dremel2)
Electric drill with old drill bit (
Like the one you might not want to look)3)Metal Vice4)
Super glue and epoxy
Pliers, tweezers and wire cutters 6)
Kit7 screwdriverHot Glue8)
First, start by removing clean N Go M-
O robot toy and remove all his action \"toy\" features.
There are four screws at the bottom of the toy, which are respectively fixed in the plastic \"wheel plate\" at the bottom.
Unscrew these and then remove the blue plastic toy cleaning mechanism with tweezers/pliers.
To remove the top of the head, unscrew the four screws that are located directly under and around the neck.
The top of the head should be open easily.
Then, to remove the arm, place the two slots directly below the head.
You will notice two connections M-
O\'s arm stuck on him.
Remove these using tweezers/pliers.
Once you have removed everything, use your dremel tool and cut it off on the bottom panel until all you have left is a rectangular frame.
Well, since you \'ve completely dismantled M-
Oh toys, it\'s time to start working on electronics!
On the wall of the movieE, M-
O travel along the ground using a small ball rolling system that can push him at high speed when he cleans.
It\'s not easy to create this, I actually spent months testing and experimenting before I finalized an idea.
My motor system works a bit like a combination of bike and chain.
There is a dense rubber ball inside a plastic housing container.
Two motors are placed on the opposite side of the plastic housing of the ball, and the ball is fixed on the Axel paper clip.
There are two rubber bands attached between Axel and the motor, so when the motor rotates, they turn the ball.
First, straighten the paper clip.
This will be used as the axel of your roller.
Then, use the metal pair and your power to drill a hole through the mouse ball as straight as possible.
Yeah, I know it sounds hard.
But so far I haven\'t figured out any better way to keep the ball in the shell and still have enough space for the motor to spin.
Be very careful and keep the ball as stable as possible or you may break the drill bit.
Also, don\'t make the holes too large, otherwise you won\'t be able to balance the paper clip Axel.
Once it\'s done, you can start building the house.
Using your dremel drill bit, drill holes on both sides of the plastic quarter machine capsule, almost not below the top curve (
This is where you put the motor).
The quarterly machine capsule will fit well around your mouse ball, so make sure there is enough space between the motor and the ball so it can rotate easily.
After that, cut a suitable length from your plastic pipe track (
About 1/2 inch)
Therefore, when the plastic pipe is placed on the top of the plastic capsule, the mouse ball will be allowed to barely peep from the bottom.
Once you\'re done, you can stick everything together (
That is, the mouse ball in the Shell, supported by the paper clip Axel, with two micro rc motors on it, and then connected through a plastic pipe).
It\'s time to start the work of electric arm cleaner!
These rotary arm motors are allowed M-
O execute his professional cleaning instructions in the movie.
Now, these are not too difficult to build as long as you have the right parts.
First from your M-O toy (
If you haven\'t).
The arm is protected by a plastic panel and by using a screwdriver or tweezers the plastic panel should be easily disassembled.
Once you remove the arm, you will notice that there is a thin slot that will allow the arm of the toy to go in and out.
Be very careful to extend the slot to the back but do not cut all the way (
You need the last clip).
Until they were completely flat.
This will be the support for the computer fan motor.
Then, cut off your small computer fan from the housing so that the rest is the motor and fan blades.
Then, use your wire cutter to break/cut off all the blades from the fan until you have only one disc left.
These will serve as the main \"stand\" for scrubbing brushes \".
After completion, stick the small computer fan motor to the robot\'s hand.
Then, drill a small hole from the plastic panel and the robot\'s body so that the wires from the motor can pass through.
Do this with both arms.
Note: I forgot to mention this, but please make sure not to lose the ball bearing when unplugging the computer fan!
It\'s really small and easy to lose so be very careful not to lose it!
You can try to glue it carefully if you can, but make sure it still leaves enough space for the fan bladespin to fit.
Actually, this is how I fell.
Now that both your body and your arms are handled, we can move on to the head. M-
O the empty head provides you with a lot of space, perfect for hiding all the batteries of the robot.
This is where I will place two switches, one for the roller-
The ball of the arm motor and the other.
Use the dremel tool to cut a slot between the two screw holes at the bottom of the head so that your miniature switch can be installed easily.
Then, cut a small hole in the back so that the wires on the fan blades can pass through.
Then dig a small hole at the top of the body so that the wire can also go through it. For the Roller-
Ball head, there is a small hole in the bottom of the body, protected by screws.
Remove the screw, so that the roller-
Wires can go through the neck. Great!
Now that you \'ve done everything with your head, arms and ball rolling system, it\'s time to start the optional steps: disinfect your backpack!
Now basically you really don\'t need to do that, you can stick the semi-open plastic blue backpack to the robot and go ahead with step 8, but personally I think, this will make your M-
The robot is much cooler.
This is easy to do!
Also, imagine how convenient it is to bring not only a small scrub robot, but also your own emergency cleaning solution!
The blue backpack is just 1 \"by 1 1/2\", so you want to cut a rectangle from a thin plastic sheet.
This will be placed on the lost back in order to create a solid container for saving all the solutions.
Then use your dremel tool to drill a small hole at the top of the container and you can fill it up with it.
I used a small mechanical pencil eraser as a waterproof cap.
Then all you have to do is stick it up! Alright!
Now that you have successfully created everything, it\'s time to create M-
O custom scrub brush!
This part is my personal favorite project because these brushes are very easy to create and you can really be creative when making these brushes.
For the simplest scrub brush, measure the length between each arm and then cut a piece of suitable size item from your stake.
Then stick the pin to each fan blade with hot glue (
This way, it can be removed later if necessary).
Then, take a piece (black)
Wrap it around the pin with a rubber band/hot glue.
You go there!
When you work on these mini brushes, you can actually become very creative.
I personally collected a whole set dedicated to different spills and clutter such as sponges, metal washers and yarn mops.
Yes, you\'re almost done!
Now that you \'ve done all the creation, it\'s time to connect it and put the finished robot together!
Make battery pack for 1.
5 watch battery, I cut a short section from a large plastic drink straw.
Also, for the wire, I put some thin metal sheets in order to make the connection easier.
Used to connect the motor together (
Give the hobby motor to the other party and brush it with the scrub motor)
, Welding each plus wire of the motor together, welding each negative wire together.
In this sense, when each set of motors (
Hobbies and scrub brushes)
Will share their own batter pack.
Keep in mind that when connecting a plastic pipe for the ball, the wire needs to go through the neck hole, so stick the plastic pipe directly below.
The Brush\'s motor enters through the holes at the top of the body, the black insulated wire pipe, and the rear of the head.
The black insulated tube will provide protection for the wire and will be very flexible.
Finally, Weld each wire from the motor to the switch.
Note: it is a very good idea to mark in advance which wires are used for which motors, so you do not have to test each wire combination later.
So you have it, a working M-
O copy of cleaning robot!
I never really felt that my invention was complete and I still like to add a lot to them
O is still an ongoing work for me.
I think maybe a mini flashing LED siren light will be added later and a couple of brushes.
Anyway, I hope all your other e-projects are going well and I may be able to provide you with some extra help to clean up.
Oh, please keep an eye on my next Pixar structure later this week!
Contact Person: Leo
Email: Mxdx@Mxbrushmachinery.Com
Tel: +86 13232438671
Skype/Facebook: +86 13232438671
Fax: 0750-6575221
Address: Heqiaolingwu Road, Sanyi Industrial Estate, Siqian Town, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China (Pc:529159)Pe 2019
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