Parents are looking briefly for hatchanimal, the hottest toy of the last holiday, and they are about to get a second chance. An updated version of the toy egg is expected to hatch many magical creatures. This year, when it comes to gifts under the Christmas tree, demand reappeared, Wal-Mart said in predicting the selection of the top 25 Toys in 2017. And more: kids who love makeup will be able to create their own kids -- Nail Polish friendly with Num Noms Nail Polish manufacturer. Power is likely to appear again in Star Wars toys, and another film in the series will be released by the end of the year. Wal-Mart, the largest toy retailer in the United States, lists children aged 18 months to 12 years according to their preferences. The most popular toys are expected to include, again, toys based on favorite TV and movie characters, or toys that children can participate in, collect or hop on for a ride, said Anne Marie Kehoe, vice President of American toysS. MORE: Lego has cut 1,400 jobs due to declining sales due to digital competition. MORE: School bus drivers make cute toys for kids holiday shoppers will have more than 1,000 new toys to choose from. \"This list is just beginning,\" Kehoe said . \". \"It didn\'t stop until the door closed on Christmas Eve. \"Some of Wal-Mart\'s options are in line with Amazon\'s forecasts, which first released their top 25 holiday toys last week. Both retailers include ars 3 Ultimate Florida highway and Paw Patrol in my size watchtower. By the middle of last year, Hatchimals have become difficult to findDecember. The details of the new version are dueOct, Wal-Mart said. 6. Star Wars has launched a series of toys in its series of films over the past two years, which will again be linked to the last jedidebu later this year, with a series of licensed toys crowded on store shelves. Wal-Mart is in a fight with Amazon, which says about a quarter of its top toys are sold exclusively. They include a sledge, based on the animated feature \"Frozen\", and an adventure power blasting that pushes darts into 80 feet. Wal-Mart will once again launch a holiday layoff plan starting on Friday. The giver needs to reduce the total price of the item by $10 or 10%, prepare a basket worth at least $50 and have it by December. Pay off their accounts. \"We know that many of our customers use it for a number of reasons, whether it\'s to keep the budget or to buy now and avoid peak holidays,\" Kehoe said . \". MORE: How to make the most of your holiday gifts more: Here\'s how Wal-Mart plans to make shopping easier, as passenger traffic keeps decreasing as customers shop more and more online, the industry is getting a lot of games and gadgets on the shelves. The weeks before the winter break are usually the most profitable part of the year for retailers, with many retailers earning up to half their annual income in those critical months. E- Amazon and Walmart e-commerce giants Competing with cheaper, faster delivery methods, Wal-Mart has launched niche e-commerce A commercial website that uses its vast storefront at the same time. Although many large retailers closed their stores in the face of a downturn in sales, the industry ushered in its best holiday sales period in four years in 2016. Shoppers spent $270. 1 billion —a 3. 4% uptick — According to data from retail research firm global data, purchases linked to Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Christmas. This upward trend is expected to continue as global data initially forecast a 2. Consumption rose 3% to $279 this holiday season. 1 billion. Hatchimals Surprise Top 25 Wal-Mart select ( * Will be released soon and details will be released on October. 6) Star Wars robot inventor Kito Num Noms Nail Polish Makero FurReal Friends Roarin\' Taylor naughty Tigero Barbie dream horse and Dollo Fisher- Price Zoom \'n Crawl Monstero L. O. L. Tapo Mayka Toy block Tapeo frozen sled ( * Exclusive Wal-Mart) Adventure power light command light- Up electric light ( * Exclusive Wal-Mart) O Monster Jam gravedigger ( * Exclusive Wal-Mart) O Huffy Electric Green Machine Trikeo Nerf competitor Nemesis MXVII- New bright radio control Tumblebeeo VTech Pop-a- Ball drop and pinball pit ( * Exclusive Wal-Mart) O Radio Control DashCam ( * Exclusive Wal-Mart)