MX machinery nylon brush for drill has passed the following test. It has been tested in terms of statics, dynamics, material strength, vibration, reliability, fatigue, etc. The product can effectively stand up to the radiation
There are careful material selections in MX machinery long tube brush manufacture. The materials are selected mainly in consideration of the force exerted on the element and the production cost. The product has compatibility with living tissue
Every production processes of MX machinery long tube brush are conducted under advanced machines, including material cutting, stamping, welding, honing, and surface polishing machines. Its smooth coating helps minimize friction
A list of factors is taken into account of MX machinery long tube brush conception. They involve complexity, feasibility, optimization, tests, etc. of a machine. Its streamlined design can effectively reduce tissue damage of the patients
The quality of MX machinery long tube brush is tested. It has been tested for strength, ductility, impact resistance, hardness, and fracture toughness. The product meets the requirements of biocompatibility and biostability
nylon brush for drill The overall structure is reasonable, the airtightness is good, the respiratory system is scientific, and it does not fog up when worn, and the silicone used on the edge is excellent, which can effectively prevent water from infiltrating and will not cause damage to the wearer's skin.