A kitten survived in 30 minutes. An Australian newspaper reported on Thursday that the washing machine jumped in after the owner\'s back was turned and cycled for a minute. Lindsay Rogers told the Manly Daily in Sydney,month— A Sydney vet checked the old Kimba and was fine in addition to the detergent causing pain in his eyes. \"I put the clothes in, put the powder and fabric softener in, and put it on the cold wash -- Very lucky- Put it on 30- Cycle in minutes \". Rogers said. \"When I opened the door, it was just a\" meow \"and the head came out. \"I can\'t believe it -- \"The final rotation cycle is very fast and I can\'t believe it survived,\" he said . \". The vet gave the Persian kitten a intravenous drip, but a few hours later, Kimba \"purrs pur like a small motor \". Rogers said. Veterinary nurse Natalie MacDonald said it was touched for a while. \"She is very flat and humid, very flat, lying beside her, and the reaction is not very good . \" MacDonald told the newspaper. \"She had shock and low body temperature and they put her on the heat pad and dried her until her body temperature slowly returned to normal.